What is shoppable content? How do you create it?

Shoppable content is digital content that allows users to purchase an item directly online by clicking on a link or image. With the rise of social media and mobile devices, the importance of visual communication has increased. To continue to activate your audience, it’s time to incorporate shoppable content into your marketing strategy.

Users love images and videos; they are more likely to engage with them than text-heavy pages. The popularity of images is such that 64% of all web traffic comes from image files and 80% of Google search results contain images. Adding shoppable content to these visual elements on your website will provide your visitors with a seamless shopping experience without leaving the site. In this post, you’ll get tips on what Shoppable Content is, how your business can benefit from it. Also how to create shoppable images.

What is shoppable content?

Because of social media and mobile devices, users are constantly on the move and easily distracted. The longer they stay on a website, the more likely they are to make a purchase. Buyable content allows readers to make a purchase without leaving the page they are on, making the process much more convenient. Buyable ads are becoming more common in digital marketing, especially on social media. From Instagram carousels to Facebook Marketplace ads, consumers can buy products directly from the ads they see online. This type of advertising is especially useful for businesses with limited space or inventory.

Why is shoppable content so important?

Shoppable content is the key to marketing your business. They allow your customers to shop from their mobile, tablet, or computer without having to leave the website. This increases dwell time on your website, which is a strong indicator of whether or not someone will make a purchase. This advantage is crucial for e-commerce businesses. You want to get your products out to as many people as possible, and Shoppable Content allows you to do just that. Shoppable content can be used as part of your product descriptions or in blog posts.

How to create purchasable content?

First, determine where on your website you want your shoppable content to appear. The articles should be within a comfortable viewing distance, but not too close. This depends on the device your visitors are using. You have several options for creating shoppable content:

Visual Merchandising: Showcase featured products with creative backgrounds and engaging photos. The images should draw the eye and encourage clicks. Make sure your products are well lit and the text is easy to read.

Product images: Include product images with a call-to-action button that links directly to the online store.

Product reviews:  If you already have a blog, use reviews to increase engagement and drive sales. Add a “Buy Now” option below the review so readers can purchase the product directly on the website.

3 Benefits of Shoppable Content on Your Website

  • Increased sales: Sales will increase if readers can easily find and purchase the products they want.
  • More engaged customers:  When customers can buy products directly from the website, they are more engaged with the brand. They are more likely to recommend your products to friends, family and colleagues.
  • Stronger brand: With shoppable content, you strengthen your brand. Readers have positive experiences and associate your brand with positive outcomes.


Online shopping is expected to increase by 15% in the next year, and most of those sales will come from mobile devices. If your visitors can shop directly from the website, they will spend more time on the site and increase sales. When designing the website and creating content, make sure to include a call-to-action button that encourages readers to click through to the online store and make a purchase. The longer they stay on a website, the more likely they are to make a purchase. With shoppable content, your users can make a purchase directly on the website without having to leave the page they’re on.