Why you need a corporate mission statement

The corporate mission statement has a clear function. It provides the basic direction of the company so that every employee in the company feels that he or she can make a meaningful contribution. The corporate mission statement provides direction for every employee.  It is worth asking what appropriate contribution one can make to achieve the goals.

What is a corporate mission statement?

The corporate mission statement defines the strategic superstructure of the company. It is a framework that brings together the activities and efforts of the company and its employees to lay the foundation for achieving common goals.In addition, the mission statement is a written declaration in which the company describes the basic principles of its existence and actions.

Goals of the corporate mission statement

The corporate mission statement can pursue both internal and external impact goals.

Internal impact: One of the goals is to increase employee motivation and retention through a shared identity. The company’s mission statement should attract employees and motivate them to achieve common goals. As a result, employees know why they perform daily tasks. To achieve common goals, employees need to network with each other.

External impact: In addition to internal incentives, the mission statement also has a significant influence on the company’s external image. The aim is to improve the company’s public image and set it apart from other market players. As an external influence, it is aimed primarily at customers and business partners, but also at potential employees and investors.

Components of the corporate mission statement

  • Slogan (benefit for the target groups)
  • Values (interaction of the employees)
  • Vision (realistic description of the orientation)
  • Mission (meaning and purpose of the company)(Sinn und Zweck des Unternehmens)

How do I create a mission statement?

Companies can develop the mission statement in a mission statement project. The project must then integrate the values that exist in the company and those that exist unconsciously. A catalog of measures to be measured is required for implementation. These measures include management development and the standardization of management systems. These should be regularly reviewed in feedback rounds.

  • Goals must be realizable
  • The individual goals must not contradict each other
  • Mission statement should be valid in the long term
  • Guiding principles must be formulated clearly and understandably

How is the mission statement developed?

For development, as many stakeholders as possible should be involved in the process. For example, customer, employee and public surveys can be conducted. These are then used to identify ideas and expectations. The formulation is always made up of existing and living values. Then the ideal ideas of the various stakeholders are considered. The first step in formulation is to analyze the status quo. This serves to capture the current corporate culture, common forms of interaction and how employees see themselves and the organization. It also provides insights into how the outside world perceives the company.

With the help of the opinions of various interest groups, it is worked out what an ideal typical company should look like. The respective overlaps are then incorporated into the formulation of the corporate mission statement. Once the corporate mission statement has been formulated in writing, the next step is to formulate suitable measures. These then support the implementation and realization of the established values, standards and goals.

Conclusion on the mission

The corporate mission also shapes the image. It sets the company apart from the competition. Customers are thereby convinced of products or services. Potential employees, for example, have an understanding of the corporate values and can compare them with their own values. The integration of models is a long-term evolutionary process.

Grafik: CC0 Creative Commons pixabay JoshuaWoroniecki